Advising Assessment Feedback from Students Report

IDEA University

Fall 2025
Created on: Feb 23, 2025

Overview and Respondent Information


This report presents the results from the Advising Assessment Survey administered to students. It provides the student perspective on the overall advising experience as well as self-reported progress on advising-related learning outcomes. The survey items align with the CAS Standards for Academic Advising and the CAS Learning and Development Outcomes. Information provided in this report can be used as part of an academic advising program review and/or accreditation report.


The Respondent Information is provided at the top of the report and can be hidden to consolidate space or expanded for reference. Click on each tab to show survey results for each area. You will find the descriptive information about the survey data on the Statistical Detail tab. Typed verbatim responses to open-ended questions are provided in a separate file.

Number asked to participate: 99
Number Responding: 42
Response Rate: 42%
Do you take the majority of your classes online?
Yes 7 17%
No 28 67%
Please indicate your current class standing.
First year/Freshman 0 0%
Sophomore 0 0%
Junior 0 0%
Senior 0 0%
Professional/Graduate 6 14%
Non-degree seeking 35 83%
Did you transfer to this institution?
No 0 0%
Yes, from a two-year institution 0 0%
Yes, from a four-year institution 41 98%
What is your gender identity?
Man 12 29%
Woman 12 29%
Do not identify with traditional gender identities 14 33%
Prefer not to answer 3 7%
What is your age?
17 or younger 0 0%
18 to 25 3 7%
26 to 35 2 5%
36 to 45 0 0%
46 to 55 8 19%
56 or older 28 67%
How would you describe yourself? (select all that apply)
American Indian, Alaska Native, First Nations, or Indigenous 0 0%
Asian or Asian American 1 2%
Black or African American 0 0%
Hispanic or Latino/a 3 7%
Middle Eastern or Northern African 0 0%
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 5 12%
White 30 71%
Other 2 5%
I prefer not to answer 0 0%

Student Advising Experience

In this section, you will find feedback from your students based on their advising experiences, using the scale: 1: Strongly Disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: In-between, 4: Agree, 5: Strongly Agree. Please note that some advising practices may not be emphasized at your institution. Results should be interpreted within the context of your advising program and/or institutional goals, objectives, and practices. Hover over a bar if you wish to see the mean rating. You may also refer to the Statistical Detail tab to see the full distribution of responses.

In my experience, academic advising at this institution has

  Average % Positive Rating
1. Encouraged me to meaningfully reflect on my educational experiences (e.g., asked open-ended questions, engaged in dialogue)
2. Encouraged me to explore new academic and co-curricular learning opportunities (e.g., service learning, internships, study abroad)
3. Challenged me to set academic goals
4. Challenged me to set career goals
5. Challenged me to set personal/life goals
6. Connected me with resources (e.g., individuals, programs, services) that can help me achieve my goals
7. Provided accurate advising information about my plan of study
8. Provided accurate information about policies and procedures (e.g., course registration, deadlines, holds)

In my experience, academic advisors at this institution have

  Average % Positive Rating
9. Displayed interest in my success as a student
10. Provided helpful feedback to support my academic success
11. Been responsive to my needs
12. Treated me with respect
13. Explained the responsibilities of the advisor and the student in the advising process
14. Promoted a safe and welcoming environment
15. Listened attentively to my questions and concerns

Progress on Learning Outcomes

This section shows students’ self-reported progress on advising learning outcomes using the following scale: 1: No apparent progress, 2: Slight progress, 3: Moderate progress, 4: Substantial progress, 5: Exceptional progress. Please note that some learning outcomes may not be emphasized at your institution. Results should be interpreted within the context of your advising program and/or institutional goals, objectives, and practices. Hover over a bar if you wish to see the mean rating. You may also refer to the Statistical Detail tab to see the full distribution of responses.

  Average % Positive Rating
16. Developing a realistic plan to achieve my educational goals
17. Developing a realistic plan to achieve my career goals
18. Developing a realistic plan to achieve my personal/life goals
19. Taking personal responsibility for my academic success
20. Developing an awareness of campus resources that can help me succeed (e.g., programs, services, opportunities)
21. Developing an awareness of how my decisions, habits, and interests impact my ability to achieve goals
22. Understanding the requirements to earn my degree (e.g., major and general education)
23. Understanding the policies and procedures related to my academic progress (e.g., course registration, deadlines, holds)
24. Developing awareness of the academic and co-curricular learning opportunities available to me (e.g., service learning, internships, study abroad)

Student Behavior

This section provides contextual information about student motivation and behavior. Hover over a bar if you wish to see the mean rating. You may also refer to the Statistical Detail tab to see the full distribution of responses.

  Average % Positive Rating
25. I seek out an advisor when I have a question or problem.
26. I come prepared for advising meetings.

Use and Value of Advising Resources

This section summarizes your students/advisees reported use of advising resources and how important these resources have been to their academic progress. The bar chart shows the average level of importance the advising resources have been to the student’s academic progress as perceived by the student. Hover over a bar if you wish to see the mean rating. You may also refer to the Statistical Detail tab to see the full distribution of responses.

  Use of Resources (average) Value of Resources (average)
My assigned advisor
Any available advisor
A faculty member
A peer (student) advisor
Online academic advising information (website, student portal)
Social media
On average, how often do you interact with your advisor(s) (e.g., face-to-face meeting, online meeting, phone call, email exchange)?
Less than once a year 4 10%
Once a year 2 5%
Once a semester/term 32 76%
Multiple times a semester/term 1 2%
I’m not currently getting academic advising from anyone at this institution 2 5%

Overall Ratings

The Overall Ratings section provides the students’ perceptions of their overall advising experience, using the scale: 1: Strongly Disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: In-between, 4: Agree, 5: Strongly Agree. The format is consistent with other tabs, beginning with comparison of your institution’s ratings with other institutional averages in our database. The average rating of your respondents as well as the national comparative score are provided. Lastly, the percent of positive rating (4 or 5) is provided.

  Average % Positive Rating
27. My relationship with an advisor has made me feel more connected to this institution.
28. My relationship with an advisor has had a positive influence on me.
29. The academic advising I have received has made me more likely to graduate on time.
30. Overall, advising services and resources have been beneficial.
31. Overall, an advisor has been helpful to my academic success.

Statistical Detail

In my experience, academic advising at this institution has: Number responding  
Choose the option that best corresponds to your judgment. 1 2 3 4 5 CJ Omit Mean Std Dev
1: Strongly Disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: In-between, 4: Agree, 5: Strongly Agree, CJ: Cannot Judge
1 Encouraged me to meaningfully reflect on my educational experiences (e.g., asked open-ended questions, engaged in dialogue) 0 0 14 23 4 0 1 3.76 0.92
2 Encouraged me to explore new academic and co-curricular learning opportunities (e.g., service learning, internships, study abroad) 0 3 18 6 14 0 1 3.76 0.14
3 Challenged me to set academic goals 12 1 1 8 18 1 1 3.48 0.35
4 Challenged me to set career goals 0 0 2 3 36 0 1 4.83 0.28
5 Challenged me to set personal/life goals 0 6 10 1 20 1 4 3.95 0.47
6 Connected me with resources (e.g., individuals, programs, services) that can help me achieve my goals 0 0 0 28 13 0 1 4.32 0.73
7 Provided accurate advising information about my plan of study 4 2 7 5 23 0 1 4.00 0.77
8 Provided accurate information about policies and procedures (e.g., course registration, deadlines, holds) 0 0 0 0 41 0 1 5.00 0.38
In my experience, academic advisors at this institution have: Number responding  
Choose the option that best corresponds to your judgment. 1 2 3 4 5 CJ Omit Mean Std Dev
1: Strongly Disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: In-between, 4: Agree, 5: Strongly Agree, CJ: Cannot Judge
9 Displayed interest in my success as a student 1 1 5 9 17 6 3 4.21 0.42
10 Provided helpful feedback to support my academic success 0 16 10 12 2 1 1 3.00 0.18
11 Been responsive to my needs 1 1 16 2 17 0 5 3.89 0.29
12 Treated me with respect 6 2 1 14 12 0 7 3.69 0.87
13 Explained the responsibilities of the advisor and the student in the advising process 0 4 17 3 17 0 1 3.80 0.18
14 Promoted a safe and welcoming environment 0 0 0 0 41 0 1 5.00 0.63
15 Listened attentively to my questions and concerns 0 0 6 1 33 1 1 4.68 0.44
Describe how academic advising has contributed to your progress on each of the following objectives. Number responding  
Choose the option that best corresponds to your judgment. 1 2 3 4 5 CJ Omit Mean Std Dev
1: No apparent progress, 2: Slight progress, 3: Moderate progress, 4: Substantial progress, 5: Exceptional progress, CJ: Cannot Judge
16 Developing a realistic plan to achieve my educational goals 0 0 0 1 40 0 1 4.98 0.22
17 Developing a realistic plan to achieve my career goals 0 1 0 34 6 0 1 4.10 0.82
18 Developing a realistic plan to achieve my personal/life goals 0 1 22 9 9 0 1 3.63 0.70
19 Taking personal responsibility for my academic success 1 8 5 1 25 0 2 4.02 0.14
20 Developing an awareness of campus resources that can help me succeed (e.g., programs, services, opportunities) 0 0 0 6 35 0 1 4.85 0.47
21 Developing an awareness of how my decisions, habits, and interests impact my ability to achieve goals 0 7 4 26 4 0 1 3.66 0.47
22 Understanding the requirements to earn my degree (e.g., major and general education) 0 2 11 8 20 0 1 4.12 0.99
23 Understanding the policies and procedures related to my academic progress (e.g., course registration, deadlines, holds) 0 0 0 6 35 0 1 4.85 0.89
24 Developing awareness of the academic and co-curricular learning opportunities available to me (e.g., service learning, internships, study abroad) 1 2 2 30 4 0 3 3.87 1.00
Overall, how would you respond to the following statements? Number responding  
Choose the option that best corresponds to your judgment. 1 2 3 4 5 CJ Omit Mean Std Dev
1: Strongly Disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: In-between, 4: Agree, 5: Strongly Agree, CJ: Cannot Judge
25 I seek out an advisor when I have a question or problem. 0 0 10 12 18 0 2 4.20 0.50
26 I come prepared for advising meetings. 0 0 5 12 24 0 1 4.46 0.15
27 My relationship with an advisor has made me feel more connected to this institution. 0 1 12 2 26 0 1 4.29 0.30
28 My relationship with an advisor has had a positive influence on me. 0 0 0 1 40 0 1 4.98 0.14
29 The academic advising I have received has made me more likely to graduate on time. 1 0 1 26 9 0 5 4.14 0.72
30 Overall, advising services and resources have been beneficial. 0 0 0 0 41 0 1 5.00 0.39
31 Overall, an advisor has been helpful to my academic success. 0 0 0 3 38 0 1 4.93 0.64
How often have you used the following sources of academic advising information? Number responding  
Choose the option that best corresponds to your judgment. 1 2 3 4 5 NA Omit Mean Std Dev
1: Never, 2: Almost never, 3: Sometimes, 4: Often, 5: Very Often, NA: Not Applicable
32 My assigned advisor 4 4 0 19 14 0 1 3.85 0.90
33 Any available advisor 7 0 4 4 16 10 1 3.71 0.86
34 A faculty member 0 0 3 35 3 0 1 4.00 0.70
35 A peer (student) advisor 0 0 5 12 24 0 1 4.46 0.60
36 Online academic advising information (website, student portal) 0 1 33 2 4 0 2 3.22 0.32
37 Social media 0 0 8 8 25 0 1 4.41 0.64
38 Other 0 2 1 5 32 1 1 4.68 0.81
How important have the following sources of academic advising information been to your academic progress? Number responding  
Choose the option that best corresponds to your judgment. 1 2 3 4 5 NA Omit Mean Std Dev
1: Very unimportant, 2: Unimportant, 3: Neither important nor unimportant, 4: Important, 5: Very Important, NA: Not Applicable
39 My assigned advisor 0 3 2 28 7 0 2 3.98 0.99
40 Any available advisor 0 0 3 1 37 0 1 4.83 0.29
41 A faculty member 0 2 6 11 22 0 1 4.29 0.77
42 A peer (student) advisor 0 0 1 36 4 0 1 4.07 0.23
43 Online academic advising information (website, student portal) 0 0 0 23 18 0 1 4.44 0.75
44 Social Media 2 19 8 7 3 0 3 2.74 0.81
45 Other 0 0 4 21 16 0 1 4.29 0.76