Important Update - Sunset of 360⁰ Leadership Analytics for Chairs and Administrators & Comprehensive Academic Advising Inventory

Anthology is working to refine its product strategy to ensure we create a simplified and streamlined portfolio, designed to deliver the highest value to our customers. We have decided to sunset the 360⁰ Leadership Analytics for Chairs and Administrators as well as the Academic Advising Inventory products by December 31st, 2024.

What You Need to Know:

  1. Final survey requests can be made until August 31st, 2024, for surveys that will complete before September 30th 2024.
  2. After August 31st, 2024, all request forms related to 360⁰ Leadership Analytics and Comprehensive Advising Inventory, as well as Sample Surveys will be removed from the site.
  3. Customers will have until December 31st, 2024 to access past survey results.

For questions or assistance, please contact our support team at

360° Leadership Analytics

For Administrators

Identifies areas for improvement observed by core constituents and combines those with the self-assessment results to gain a holistic view of perceptions of performance.

Gather impressions on:

  • Leadership styles
  • Personal characteristics
  • Job performance
  • Ratings of confidence in leadership abilities

Administrator Request Form »

For Chairs

Core constituent results are combined with a self-assessment by the chair to gain a holistic view of all results.

Gather impressions on:

  • Administrative methods
  • Personal characteristics
  • Job performance
  • Ratings of confidence in leadership abilities

Chair Request Form »

Comprehensive Advising Inventory

Student Feedback about their Specified Advisor

Advisors put themselves in the spotlight to provide results and analysis of their own academic advising experience.

  • Includes a snapshot of your advisees’ self-reported behavior and progress on learning outcomes related to advising
  • Provides contextual information about student motivation and behavior

Advisor Request Form »

Faculty & Staff Feedback on Overall Perception of Advising

Understand the faculty and staff perspective from those with direct academic advising experience, as well as their self-reported progress on advising-related learning outcomes.

  • Top suggestions for improvement
  • Faculty and staff perceptions of the three student advising practices emphasized by your institution and three program standards

Faculty & Staff Request Form »

Student Feedback on Overall Perception of Advising

Understand the student perspective on the overall advising experience as well as their self-reported progress on advising-related learning outcomes.

  • Recommendations for improvement and areas of strength
  • Students responses to the top 3 sources for information and the most highly valued sources

Student Request Form »